Men's Lone Peak All Weather Mid 2 Lone Peak All-WHTR MID M [Altra Altra] * Size exchange Free
Waterproof shoes that have both comfort and support
You won't get tired even if you wear heavy hiking boots.
Lone Peak All Weather Mid 2Is a shoe that combines the comfort of trail running shoes and the support of hiking boots.
Waterproof shoes are hard and firm, and if you wear them for a long time, your feet will hurt.By updating, it became a very soft upper that could not be considered a waterproof shoe. Even if you wear it for a long time, it will always be gently snuggled around in soft.
In addition, the most generous original foot shape ™ fit in Altra, the highly resilient Altra Go ™ midsole form, and the grip -powered Maxtrac ™ outsole will allow you to act comfortably on a variety of terrain.
Same as loan peak 7 is updated,From the rug arrangement that has a well -balanced entire conventional, this work is easy to land on the outside heel, which is easy to land on the downhill, and is also lag placed in a place where power is applied at the time of tooff. It has an excellent outsole shape.
By putting the support of TPU on the heel, the stability from the outside is enhanced. Nevertheless, it is increasing stability without hindering free movement by not stiffening the heel counter as before.
It can be used in various scenes, from long -distance through hikes to small outings on rainy days.
Weight: 428g (MENS US10.5 / 28.5cm)
Midsole:Altra ego ™
Outsole:MAXTRAC ™
Stack height: 25mm
Upper: Waterproof booty structure
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