[SALE 20] Men's Provision 7 Provision M [Altra Altra] * Return or exchange is not possible
Moderate support and innovative shoes that support the next step
A pair with a Guiderail technology inside.
Therefore, it has a sense of stability and supports the smooth flow from reliable landing to toeoff. It is also overwhelmingly lightweight than other GUIDERAIL models.
Also, it has a good fit from the heel to the forefoot, and your feet will be hooked from the moment you wear it.
It runs comfortably from daily jogging to long distance running.
Weight: 274 g (Mens US10.5 / 28.5cm)
Midsole: Altra ego ™
Outsole:FootPod ™ Outsole
Cushion: High
Stack height: 28mm
upper:Good ventilation engineering mesh
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