Request for resetting membership password accompanying the renewal

Thank you for always using the Stride Online Store.

On October 20, 2021, online sites have been renewed. This is the first step to the world!

We apologize for any inconvenience to members,With this renewal, it is necessary to reset the member login password when shopping.

* Some customers have not been able to transfer members data due to inadequate email addresses and telephone numbers.

We will send you an email to all the members.We will inform you again.

 How to reset the password on the new site

1. Open the account page

In the case of a smartphone, the bottom in the menu,
In the case of a personal computer, click the account button at the top right of the screen.

 2. Create an account

Create an account with the email address used for registering the previous site.

* It is not from "forgotten password".

Even if you forget the password, even if you reset your password, it will be displayed as "I could not find an account."

Be sure to set it from "Create an account".

3. Reset from the new registration screen

  • Name (surname / name)
  • email address(The address used for registering the previous site
  • password

4. Enable account

It arrives at the email address with the authentication email.
Click "Enable Account" to authenticate.

5. Login

Log in with the registered e -mail address and password.

The previous registered address is displayed.

In addition, some members were inadequate their e -mail addresses and telephone numbers (different domains and telephone numbers) and could not transfer their membership information.

If the above method does not work, please register again.